Bush Fly Remedy

16/06/2015  Bush Fly Remedy
A bloke we met at West Leichhardt Station, by the name of Noel, put us on to a sure- fire bush fly remedy – “Natural Rosemary and Cedarwood Oils in a Crème” by Nature’s Botanical .

He’d been using it for years and swears by it. Its original use was to keep flies away from horses eyes, but became popular with riders as well. We picked up a jar at a saddlery in Mt Isa, and I believe some camping stores might also be stocking it.

All that’s needed are three small dabs of the crème along each arm and two or three on the face. No need to rub gobs of it all over. Flies might still buzz around you but will no longer land on your face. It smells pretty good too, a bit like freshly polished furniture.

While it’s not cheap, a little goes a long way and no price is too much if it keeps those bloody flies off.

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